Thursday, November 4, 2010

"And the Award Goes To..."

At the end of each month, grades K-6 meet in the multi-purpose room for our PAW Assembly.  It is at this assembly that Mr. Messersmith awards a student the monthly citizenship award.  The birthday boys and girls are recognized and each receives a birthday pencil as we sing them a happy birthday song.  Mrs. Witler gives us an update on AR --- which students have met their goals and how many days are left for the rest of the kiddos to reach their AR goals.  If it is at the end of the quarter, special recognition is given to honor roll students as they receive a certificate for their hard work.  And finally, one special class is awarded the listening trophy for sitting quietly during the assembly and this month the award went to .........THE KINDERGARTEN!!!! It was great ! The entire class all rushed up to get the trophy and held it high in the air commenting on how big and shiny it was.  Their teacher??  Well, she was beaming from ear to ear - very proud of her little kindergarten kiddos.   The very big and shiny trophy is on display in the Kindergarten classroom for the rest of this month.

Your child's very proud teacher,
Mrs. Straight

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